Shopping Cart

Please add the desired shipping method in the next step.

Do you have any questions or would you like an offer for the items in your shopping cart? No problem! By clicking on the button below you can send us an email with the contents of your shopping cart and your question.

document.getElementById("mailto").onmouseover = function() {myFunction()}; function myFunction() {$(document).ready(function() { var url = window.location.href; //get url var email = ''; var body = 'Hi Zaunfachhandel24-Team' + '%0D%0A' + 'Please make me an offer for the items in my shopping cart.' + '%0D%0A' + '%0D%0A' +'My shopping cart:' + '%0D%0A'; var contact = '%0D%0A'+ '%0D%0A'+ 'Please complete:' + '%0D%0A' + '%0D%0A' + 'Name:'+ '%0D%0A' + 'Address:' + 'Delivery requested: yes/no' var productname = document.getElementsByClassName('item-name'); var productprice = document.getElementsByClassName('item-base-price'); var productqty = document.getElementsByClassName('qty-input'); var productatt = document.getElementsByClassName('position-relative w-100'); for(var index=0;index < productname.length;index++){ var body = body + ('%0D%0A' + productqty[index].value + "x " + productname[index].innerText + " - Attribute: " + productatt[index].innerText.split("EUR")[1] + " - single price: " + productprice[index].innerText); } var subject = 'Shopping cart request'; var hrefTitle = 'More Questions? No problem! We will help you...'; $('#mailto').attr('href','mailto:'+email+'?body='+body+contact+'&subject='+subject); $('#mailto').attr('title', hrefTitle); }); } document.getElementById("mailto").ontouchstart = function() {myFunction()}; function myFunction() {$(document).ready(function() { var url = window.location.href; //get url var email = ''; var body = 'Hi Zaunfachhandel24-Team' + '%0D%0A' + 'Please make me an offer for the items in my shopping cart.' + '%0D%0A' + '%0D%0A' +'My shopping cart:' + '%0D%0A'; var contact = '%0D%0A'+ '%0D%0A'+ 'Please complete:' + '%0D%0A' + '%0D%0A' + 'Name:'+ '%0D%0A' + 'Address:'+ '%0D%0A' + '(If desired) Phone number:'+ '%0D%0A' + 'Delivery requested: yes/no' var productname = document.getElementsByClassName('item-name'); var productprice = document.getElementsByClassName('item-base-price'); var productqty = document.getElementsByClassName('qty-input'); var productatt = document.getElementsByClassName('position-relative w-100'); for(var index=0;index < productname.length;index++){ var body = body + ('%0D%0A' + productqty[index].value + "x " + productname[index].innerText + " - Attribute: " + productatt[index].innerText.split("EUR")[1] + " - single price: " + productprice[index].innerText); } var subject = 'Shopping cart request'; var hrefTitle = 'More Questions? No problem! We will help you...'; $('#mailto').attr('href','mailto:'+email+'?body='+body+contact+'&subject='+subject); $('#mailto').attr('title', hrefTitle); }); }